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Ochanomizu University Visit to MJIIT-UTM, Malaysia, for Staff Training Using KL Office


Two administrative staffs from Ochanomizu University, Japan visited Malaysia from 16th until 20th January, 2017. They are Ms. Noriko Ohno and Mr. Tatsuya Konishi. Their visit was like a two-way purpose, as in the morning they attended an English Course classes while in the afternoon Tsukuba Satellite Office facilitate their visiting cum interviewing session to get information from MJIIT, University of Malaya (UM), University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) and Malaysia-Japan Higher Education Program (MJHEP). Their topic of discussion were on student recruitment, student development and support system, financial aids, hostel and dormitory, industrial training and cooperation with industries. Apart from that they also visited Masjid UTMKL, Library (PSZ) and Business & Advanced Technology Centre (BATC Lodge).

Ochanomizu University_Visit-to-Malaysia.docx
