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Members of German Tsukuba Society meet Professor Aizawa and the new exchange students from Tsukuba


Professor Aizawa, the founder of the "Baumkuchentreffen" which takes place every week at Tsukuba University and of the Berlin Tsukuba Alumni meeting, came recently to Berlin as a speaker for "Human sciences in in Japan and Germany" symposium.
On this occasion we organized an Alumni Meeting where Alumni members could talk to Professor Aizawa and welcome the new exchange students from Tsukuba University that came to study in Berlin.

筑波大学で行うのバウムクーヘンの会、そうしてベルリン・筑波校友会の設立者、相澤先生が”Geisteswissenschaften in Japan und Deutschland”と言うシンポジウムの発表者の一人としてベルリンにいらっしゃいました。
